Our Organic Clay

Natural skincare is more than just a trend; it’s a testament to timeless beauty rituals that have stood the test of time.

Pine trees on the background

Discover Our Legacy: Unveiling the Timeless Beauty of Glacial Marine Clay

Natural clays have stood the test of time, serving as a cornerstone in beauty rituals spanning various cultures and eras—from the grandeur of ancient Egypt and the sophistication of the Aztec Empire to the opulence of modern-day spa treatments. These clays have consistently been revered for their unparalleled skin-enhancing properties, and Glacial Marine Clay is no exception.
Our Glacial Marine Clay is a testament to the timeless allure of natural clays, delivering myriad skincare benefits that have solidified its standing as a popular and trusted ingredient in the beauty realm. Its exceptional ability to cleanse, purify, and rejuvenate the skin has made it a go-to choice for those seeking a natural solution to their skincare needs.
Beyond its remarkable efficacy, Glacial Bay Organic Clay is a beacon of responsibility and sustainability in ingredient sourcing. We are committed to harvesting our Glacial Marine Clay in a manner that respects and preserves the environment, ensuring that this precious resource is available for generations to come.


Revolutionizing Beauty Ethos: Glacial Bay Organic Clay’s Modern Sustainability

In today’s era of conscious consumerism, Glacial Bay Organic Clay stands out not just for its potent skin benefits but also for its alignment with the modern product development ethos. We are proud to offer an ingredient that seamlessly fits into waterless formulations, reducing the reliance on this precious resource and catering to the growing demand for sustainable beauty solutions.
Furthermore, our Glacial Marine Clay champions the philosophy of skin minimalism, providing a multifaceted ingredient that simplifies skincare routines without compromising on results. Its natural potency ensures that a little goes a long way, allowing for the creation of concentrated and effective products.
Incorporating Glacial Bay Organic Clay into your product line is not just a nod to the beauty rituals of the past; it is a forward-thinking decision that resonates with the values and needs of today’s discerning consumers. Embrace the power of nature, the commitment to sustainability, and the simplicity of effectiveness with Glacial Marine Clay, and let your products be a testament to the enduring allure of natural clays in beauty.

About Us

Nestled amidst the picturesque beauty of Vancouver Island in Nanaimo, BC, Glacial Bay Organic Clay (GBOC) stands as a beacon of environmental stewardship and commitment to purity in the cosmetic industry. As a prestigious raw material supplier, we take pride in offering Ecocert COSMOS-certified Glacial Marine Clay powder, distinguished for its unparalleled quality and natural enrichment.

Our Four Pillars Of Quality and Sustainability

A Unique Harvesting Process

We have the distinct honor of being the sole company in North America that embraces a machinery-free approach to harvesting glacial clay. Our environmentally sustainable practices are a testament to our dedication to preserving the beauty and integrity of nature. We meticulously hand-harvest our clay at low tide, followed by a natural solar drying process in our greenhouses. The clay is then transformed into an ultra-fine powder, boasting an average size of below 20 microns, ready to infuse your cosmetic products with the purest touch of nature.

Environmental Stewardship

Our mineral claims are strategically located at the base of pristine mountainous icefields, which grace us with a generous deposit of 3-4 inches of new clay silt annually. We practice responsible harvesting, rotating between our ten claims, each spanning 55 acres, to ensure a rejuvenation period of 5 years for each area.
By focusing our harvesting on the top 12-18 inches of the surface, we tap into the region richest in beneficial microbiomes and minerals, ensuring that your products are infused with the finest clay. This practice also allows each harvested area to be naturally replenished with 15-20 inches of new clay, ensuring sustainability and purity for future generations.


Giving Back to the Community

Our introduction to the potent healing properties of glacial clay was graciously shared by the Homalco First Nation people, the original stewards of the land where our clay resources flourish. We honor this relationship with a long-term agreement, ensuring respectful access and sustainable harvesting of their cherished clay resources.
In our journey, we remain committed to giving back to the community, with a portion of our proceeds dedicated to supporting local initiatives such as the fish hatchery, Grizzly Bear tours, and nurturing next-generation cultural development among the Homalco people. Our bond with the Homalco is a cherished aspect of our identity, strengthening with each passing day.

Our Commitment to Excellence

At GBOC, our unwavering commitment is to deliver one of the purest and naturally enriched glacial clays available in today’s market. Our journey goes beyond mere transactions; we are devoted to forging meaningful relationships built on a foundation of integrity and ethical business practices. Your trust in our product is a sacred bond that we strive to uphold with every ounce of clay we provide.

Contact Us

Glacial Bay Organic Clay Inc
Nanaimo, BC - Canada
+1(250) 323-4602